Girltribe Nation






Hi, I'm Lisa Toney. I founded GirlTribe Nation so that we can raise tween girls to be: 
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With the pressures of this world ringing loudly in their ears, our girl's identities are constantly being undermined, challenged, and corrupted.

It doesn't have to be that way. It should not be that way.  Let's give them rock solid identity confidence with clarity in how to make choices that will realize their dreams.

Our girls were created with purpose and they should have the opportunity to live out that purpose without being pressured into early and dangerous sexual exploration. Many education models in our culture tell them to engage in early, active, and experimental sexual behaviors that can leave them confused with deep emotional and relational wounds, depression, STIs, unplanned pregnancies, or the haunting memory of an abortion. 

Girltribe Nation exists to give a healthier and wiser alternative with a protective approach. We believe tween and teen girls should be protected by their parents from being early sexualized, over-sexualized, hyper-sexualized, objectified, and encouraged to participate in the casual sex culture.

Girls who participate in early sexual activity are far less likely to reach their life goals. Girls who delay early sexual activity are far more likely to reach their educational, relational, professional, and family goals.

Girltribe Nation believes there is a better way to give girls the knowledge they need about puberty, their changing bodies, growing up, and making decisions that will honor and empower their future dreams and goals. We have a Success Path strategy designed exclusively for tween girls. This path allows you to give them what they need to create an intentional life rather than fall into an accidental one riddled with consequences that derail their life.

Girltribe Nation Success Path.png

Our mission is to provide sexually protective puberty education, life skills, and decision-making empowerment to tween girls. We do this by providing content to be discussed within the mother-daughter relationship so as to nurture this as a primary relational connection in a girl's life through the adolescent years.

Girltribe Nation believes that the mother-daughter relationship is essential in a girl's life. We provide intentional resources such as online classes, podcasts, videos, and events to offer support, guidance, and fun in the pursuit of building and strengthening this relationship.

Together, we can help our girls rise above the waves of lies that pressure our tween and teen girls to be sexually active, experimental, and objectified.

Girls were made for greatness. Every girl is created with purpose to be known, loved, cherished, and doing great things. Girltribe Nation is all about pointing them down that path. Come on and join us at 

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Mother/Daughter GR8 Dates

Mother/Daughter GR8 Dates are the best!
They provide intentional time with your girl to discuss puberty and growing up! Download your date and go enjoy your girl! Pour into her, build memories, and give her the tools she needs to grow up smart, healthy, brave, and live with a whole lot more happy!


Introverts and extroverts are all awesome - but different. Talk through these with your girl! Get the video resource here!

Download This Date!

Starting To Talk About Boys

When your girl starts to notice boys these are important conversations to have!

Download This Date

Help Her Through Conflict

Give your daughter some helpful tools to know how to work through conflict with her friends.

Get This GR8 Date Here!

Is It Time For Makeup?

She's starting to ask about makeup! Where do you start?

Get This GR8 Date Here!

Access The Online Teaching


What's An Introvert?


What's An Extrovert?

Conflict Resolution

How Do You Compromise?

Make Up

Is It Time?

Is It Time For Your Daughter To Wear Make Up


The Raising Amazing Tween Girls Podcast is an awesome resource for moms of tween girls.

Listen Now

Youtube Channel

The Raising Amazing Tween Girls Show is on Girltribe Nation Youtube!

Watch Now

This online class covers body changes for ages 9-12

1. What Is Puberty?
2. Puberty Skin Care
3. Puberty Hair Care
4. Puberty Nail Care
5. Growing Breasts & Bras
6. Getting Your Period
7. Reproduction


The Growing Up Girl is for the premium puberty and body changes online course for tween girls. Moms who want to be intentional about their daughter's puberty education and play an active role will love this class. More than just another online class, this experience is filled with fun teaching videos, downloadable PDFs, and Mother-Daughter dates to talk through all the things. This is for moms who want a helping hand with all things puberty while investing in an intentional, modest, and character-filled approach to puberty.

Yes! I Need This Class!